Blog — Lamb Marketing Agency

Twitter - Can you afford to not be part of the conversation

We've all heard about the benefits of getting your business represented on Twitter and connecting to your network of customers but have you considered what the consequences of ignoring this social network might be? Potentially there could be a P.R. storm brewing around your company reputation while you are oblivious to it. We had a bit of bother here this week, when one of our clients, became the victim of some spurious tweeting as they had been erroneously identified as a company that has been making unsolicited calls about pursuing mis-sold PPI policies. I think we all know about these calls, texts & emails that are unwanted and intrusive. The details of this episode are of no more importance so we will spare names, etc. But it raised a very serious issue about reputation management if you have a Twitter/social media presence, as our client does or if you do not, which we feel is worthy of a few mentions here.

Shockingly, given that the company had been mis-identified, they became the victim of some brief but quite spiteful tweeting, which had it gone unnoticed, could have caused a nasty bump in their reputation. By its nature Twitter is at its best when breaking news and the story spreads fast and wide. As it was both we and they got on top of it and wrote a suitably worded email to the person that posted it, pointing out the error and demanding an apology. Which for the record was willingly given, the tweet deleted and an apology posted.

However it raises point number one. Twitter is a written medium in the public domain and as such is bound by all the same libel laws and protections as anything else similar, like a Facebook post, a comment on Linkedin or an email (where there is now strong legal precedent). It is therefore incumbent upon anybody posting anything that they remember this fact and think twice before submitting anything controversial.

On the flip side I think our client handled their own situation perfectly and responded straight away, made direct contact, politely pointed out the error and demanded the withdrawal which is point 2. In an environment like Twitter, necessary responses really must be thought through but as far as possible, immediate, time can quickly become an enemy.

What has really got me thinking though, is point 3. What had happened had our client not had a Twitter account and were blissfully unaware that a reputation fire was burning around them. The simple truth of social networks is that in reality there is no opt in or opt out, the only difference is if you are not active then you have zero control over the conversation, but if you are then you have the opportunity to be proactive and shape what is being said.

The statistics of what is posted on Twitter are staggering; 250 million tweets per day, over 100 million active Twitter users and if like me you are part of that community then you will see first hand how breaking news spreads instantaneously across it. Perhaps the most famous example being the posting of the amateur film when the plane came down in the Hudson River, or the death of Amy Winehouse beating the BBC to spread the sad news.

This subject is particularly relevant at the moment due to the news this week regarding the jailing of a student who made racially offensive comments about footballer Fabrice Muamba on Twitter. This is another example of how comments made online can be treated every bit as seriously and are governed by the same laws of libel as comments made in the press or elsewhere.

So I am pleased that our client has escaped the clutches of a bad press day this week but I am now just a wee bit more worried, nay paranoid about whatever else may have been missed. My advice, join the conversation and of course, make sure you use an expert to help you. As you know the Lamb door is always open for a cup of tea and a chat...

Linked in to LinkedIn?

Mark Huxley speaks about his continuing love affair with LinkedIn, the importance of staying connected with industry peers and how he has rekindled various old professional relationships that might otherwise have been lost. He discusses why LinkedIn is such a crucial social media tool for professionals worldwide and what you might be missing out on if you choose to ignore it.  ______

I have been a member of LinkedIn for quite some time now and to me it has become an integral part of my working life. I love the connections I have made, more so I have relished the countless numbers of my own working past that I have reconnected with. I follow many of the debates that the Groups throw up with a passion and it has become an automatic go-to place for much of the research I do. I cannot then fathom those that I speak to who refuse to use it or have a closed mind to all the benefits it can bring.

I think it is the truth to say that LinkedIn is the single form of professional social media that we recommend to every single client we work with. To me it is the world’s largest online directory of professional people, the companies they work for, the Groups that interest us all, the endless volumes of research and communication tools as another tool. None of us would not use the phone or email, so why would someone elect not to use LinkedIn?

Some statistics…

  • 150 million users Worldwide
  • 8 million users in the UK
  • 2 new members sign up every second
  • Circa 4.2 billion searches made on it in 2011
  • More than 2 million companies now have profiles on LinkedIn

So why do we advocate it so widely? Firstly and most importantly, unlike all other social media channels it exists for one reason alone; it is purely for professional people undertaking their professional lives. In that task, it cannot be doubted that they have utterly succeeded.

If you make the leap of faith and start using it, after some polishing of your LinkedIn skills (which many a trained professional can help you with) you will soon be:

  • Keeping in touch with an entire network of people, crossing many professional boundaries. With their own activity everything will be current, saving you lots of hard work in keeping track of what they are up to. Don’t forget friends beget friends, so you will be able to constantly build your own network, sharing friends old and new
  • You can invite your rolodex of business cards to come join your network
  • Share and collaborate upon what you are working upon and for that matter anything of wider interest to you and them
  • By joining the myriad of Groups that it has, you can drill into specific sectors and topics, seeing the current thinking and rumours on the street.
  • Actively join in discussions, either asking questions or sharing sagely opinions
  • Keep in touch with companies that are of specific interest to you, who’s joining, who’s left, what are they doing right now
  • Research more about the people you are going to meet for the first time. What is their role at the company, how long have they been there, where did they come from, what have they done in their past
  • Take out one of the paid for packages and you can see who’s been looking at your profile, really helpful if you’ve been targeting a specific person or company

Frankly the list is endless and every day LinkedIn creates new services that are aimed at making all our professional lives just that little bit easier and more interesting. If I finish with one word of caution, then it is that LinkedIn is only a tool, like your phone or email. The real art of networking is still the face-to-face time that makes the whole working relationship work. They are still founded upon friendship that harbours trust and builds the opportunities to prove worth in work, act or deed, which leads to the long-term relationship. This must never ever be forgotten!

Are insurance sellers failing in building trust with their customers?

In a recent survey of 400 nationally represented insurance buyers, a clear message has been given that despite all the advertising and hype, there remains a serious lack of trust in insurance providers.

  • Just under 73% believe that insurance providers make the terms and conditions in their policies deliberately complicated.
  • Half believe claims are never paid out fairly.
  • A third believe that insurance providers expect them to lie about a claim.

The survey was originally carried out on behalf of the CII, commissioned Lamb Creative Marketing & Consultancy Limited in partnership with research specialists, Illuminas. It attempts to understand the buying motivations of insurance buyers and overlay them alongside the perceptions they have of the industry.

Mark Huxley, Director of Lamb, himself a veteran of the insurance industry said "The results of this survey may seem shocking, but in reality, should we be surprised? Probably not, buying insurance is for many, perceived as a distressed purchase."

What is perhaps sad is that at a time when there has never been more insurance advertising, much of it drives price first and foremost, with features and sometimes service then coming in a distant second. Looking at the survey it cannot be disputed that price is a real determinant of converting an insurance sale, with 72% of the respondents attesting to this fact.

However we need to look a bit more deeply. We questioned further about what factors are the most important when taking out or renewing a policy, their replies were clear and unambiguous. 89% stated that they look to their provider to be trustworthy and 79% said that it is important for insurance advisors to have professional qualifications related to insurance.

This whole survey has thrown up some interesting matters to debate here at Lamb. Hundreds of millions of pounds are being spent by the industry on advertising their products. Apart from the choice of celebrity endorsement or comedy character it is hard to differentiate one from another. Do these adverts work? To themselves, undoubtedly they raise brand awareness, in some cases to unprecedented levels. But when aligned to the brand experience that an insurer actually wants to portray, I fear they do not. Clearly the buyers out there are looking for someone to trust and that message is just not getting through. Dare we say that perhaps it is time for the focus to shift.

BIBA's just around the corner...

BIBA is just 14 weeks away and don't we know it at Lamb Towers - stand designs are plenty, rebrands are being considered, brochures underway, product launches and new websites being born!

It's really interesting to see how BIBA has become a launch pad for many of our clients' marketing drives with a much greater consideration across the board of its impact on their business positioning. Gone are the days of 'We've booked a space now we just need a stand...'. I think this has a lot to do with the high prestige value of a presence at BIBA.

It really is the perfect industry event to focus both internally, and from a client perspective, just how a business communicates what it is, what it wants and what it can offer. The thought, and considerable cost, that goes into exhibiting at the trade event of the year needs to be more than just a place to wave their respective flags. Hence it has become for many, the pivotal event for their year's marketing campaign.

Not that we are complaining. BIBA allows us to focus and capitalise on our clients messages, and communicate those in our stand design features as well as their other marketing platforms. The end result being a consistent message that guarantees success, and more importantly, a handsome ROI. Must get back to the ideas board!


How not to be brand bland

In times of strong competition, brand matters more than ever. Mark Huxley offers his guidance in a feature article from LittleJohn's newsletter.

Click here to view the complete newsletter.

These uncertain financial times particularly resonate for the insurance industry, which apart from managing its own business, can have a significant influence on those of its clients. It is a time, therefore, that industry practitioners need to showcase their talents, attracting and keeping valuable clients. Simply put, it is a time for your brand to shine through and work positively for you.

So what is a brand?

Your brand is your business. It is the embodiment of who you are, what you do and what makes you the broker of choice. It must be clearly understood and recognised by your customers. After all, it is their opinion that governs your success.

Take coffee shops – Starbucks, Costa or Caffè Nero. Which do you and your colleagues frequent and why? Compare answers and I bet you’ll defend why yours is the right choice and not theirs. The coffee shops have created their identity and we are disciples of it. This example will equally apply to those that choose to work with you.

So what makes a brand good? There are four elements that must function in unison.

  • Authentic – is your brand fundamentally true to itself? It had a vision from the start, has it stayed true to it? It must never pretend to be something it is not.
  • Compelling – does it engage people emotionally, creating an immediate affinity? It’s this above all else that drives brand selection.
  • Distinctive – it’s innovators not imitators that really stand out from the rest. That point of difference makes you individual; convey it from the very core of your business.
  • Excellent – brand leaders truly deliver; they do what they say and do it well. Make false promises or fail to live up to expectations and you will quickly kill your reputation!

“Your brand is your business. It is the embodiment of who you are, what you do and what makes you the broker of choice”

As marketers, how do we understand and deliver strong brands?

Investigation, analysis & strategy

We ask the key stakeholders in the business to share their beliefs and ambitions. We learn their common values and, just as important, where they differ. This insight allows us to distil these values into words, adjectives and phrases that get to the very heart of the business.

Building the brand

With the words from stage one we have all the tools necessary to undertake any brand creation or re-engineering. We showcase the brand in action across the range of media; stationery, brochures, online, presentational, promotional, advertising, and so on.

Introduction & launch

The newly-created brand needs to be delivered internally before being used anywhere externally. It should be properly documented and presented to everybody. Fail to do this and all the hard work will be undone with a brand that is poorly understood, poorly executed, diluted and likely to fail. Not to mention losing all those potential Brand Champions you employ who can be your greatest sales force.


Now is the time to identify the marketing disciplines that best promote your brand. Print, online, communications, PR, advertising and events are just some of the methods. Every execution needs to be carefully thought out, not just for its own merits but also as part of the wider campaign. A specific date or future event can help build momentum, as well as keeping focus on the whole campaign.

Insurance is an industry where adjectives like trust, reliability and professionalism ring through. With its complex distribution channels and networks, word-of-mouth is still fiercely active. Reputations can be made or broken quickly. In these challenging times, it is therefore vital to actively manage your brand in all its parts. Do it well and you will instinctively gain clients, make a powerful impression on them, and build loyalty, based upon your reputation to deliver.

Mark Huxley speaks to Post Magazine about Social Networking

As social media begins to shake off the stigma of being little more than a means to wile away time, Amy Ellis investigates whether, as some predict, 2010 will be the year this new medium becomes a quantifiable marketing tool. Referring to social networking and business in the same sentence can generate an air of distaste, with some seeing the former as merely a timewasting tool and many businesses blocking employee access to such sites during working hours.

Research into social media in financial services undertaken by Datamonitor in December 2009 revealed Facebook as the number one social networking site in 100 out of 127 countries. And figures from last July indicated that, while Facebook still dominates as a means of sharing content, Twitter is already about half as popular.

In the light of such numbers, it is not surprising that social networking is slowly losing its 'dirty word' status in the business arena. Companies are beginning to explore how social networking can strengthen their reputation, broaden their reach and, perhaps most importantly, grow their sales.

So, are UK brokers beginning to embrace sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Linked In on a commercial basis? Are they looking beyond a heightening of individuals' personal profiles and networking capabilities?

According to Bob Darling, franchise director at Coversure, you would have to be almost a Luddite to completely ignore social networking sites. "If insurance is meant to be a personality and relationship business, then the fact these sites are social means they are an important medium. In my opinion, they haven't really proved themselves as yet, but it doesn't mean they won't, of course," he suggests.

Mark Huxley, director of Lamb Creative Marketing & Consultancy, agrees — citing social networking as being about recognising the fact that insurance is still centred on the personal nature of the relationships you build and how brands have to generate trust, friendship and loyalty. "A broker dealing with an end customer in the very congested space of UK general insurance has got to have something out there to convince the customer why they should stay with them," he insists.

Future uncertainty

Being aware of new communication tools and exploring ways they can help in business should be the starting point for everyone, says Peter Elliot, head of marketing at Bluefin, which has reserved a number of sites in its corporate name but is not currently using them. "You can't ignore these major trends in communication, but at the same time no one can be sure of how they will develop. For instance, I ask myself: whatever happened to Friends Reunited? Like Rubik's Cubes and Sony Walkmans, once upon a time Friends Reunited was all the rage and it was almost impossible to imagine a world without it. That uncertainty surrounding the future of social media needs to be considered."

There may be something even more inherent that is holding brokers back from diving into social networking. As Paul Macbeth, managing director of Macbeth Chartered Insurance Brokers, points out, part of the problem in the insurance world is that it exists in a microcosm that is slow to adopt such developments until forced to.

This certainly seems to resonate with Kwik Fit Financial Services. Lisa McAndrew, e-commerce and marketing manager, says the company does not want to go in feet first and invest, preferring to monitor developments initially. Meanwhile, Matthew Clark, science and technology director at La Playa, points out that he is not aware of any brokers that have used social networks to produce tangible benefits. "They may be out there, but I would have thought it is not always easy to measure," he says.

This has not prevented La Playa from embracing social media and, despite some trepidation, Kwik Fit is also relatively advanced in this arena.

Katie Gouskos, marketing executive at La Playa, says: "Marketing generally is changing. The landscape is shifting and, as a small broker, we can't afford to spend millions on advertising; we are never going to compete in that arena. So social media is a brilliant opportunity for us to demonstrate our expertise, get among the bigger players and take it as a good opportunity, which I think it is."

La Playa is now planning to launch a blog, which it hopes will tie in with the Facebook and Twitter pages it already possesses. "We use Linked In to maintain relationships with other professionals, so hopefully once we have integrated all these forms of online marketing we will really begin to understand the power of social media," Ms Gouskos says.

Mr Clark adds: "We are not expecting social media, or our participation in it, to be some kind of magic bullet that will solve all sorts of problems and market us to our target audience almost cost-free. That would be quite naive.

"It will run alongside the other events we are doing, which include face-to-face networking, as well as the more traditional areas. We still do a bit of direct mailing but, for example, have moved away from mailing a hard-copy newsletter to contacts and instead send that electronically now.

"So, as things change, the traditional activities fragment and people move into more intelligent forms of communication, we will probably expect social media to gradually work more profitably for us, as opposed to the more traditional channels that increasingly won't work."

Finding time to tweet

Ms McAndrew explains that Kwik Fit has had a Twitter account set up for a year and has gained quite a large following considering its less-than-aggressive approach. One of the positives flowing from these sites, from a business perspective, is that they are free to use.

However she points to one cost Kwik Fit has predicted: "The big cost is from a resource perspective; it takes a lot of time setting these up and monitoring them. If you really want to do it properly, then you need to invest in resources and that's where we can see it becoming quite costly.

"So we need to weigh that up against the traditional media where we can see a return in our investment almost straight away. The question for us is whether we want to take resources away from the traditional; at the moment it is about trying to strike the right balance," she considers.

Julian Edwards, director at MCE Insurance, agrees that these sites require time and energy, as well as dedicated resources within existing operations that can manage and understand them. "The first route we have taken with Facebook is all about direct response marketing. Most companies that want to have a reach on Facebook will set themselves up as a fan page and this works incredibly well if you are a lifestyle brand.

"We use it because we are very niche and have a flag-bearer in the form of Big Ed - he has generated a following from the fan page we launched in the last quarter of 2009. But before we push on and try and get some serious numbers involved in terms of a fan base, we are taking time to learn about the medium, because you are trying to interact commercially with people's leisure time," he explains.

"Would we use Big Ed's fan base to pick up the phone and encourage people to take out their bike insurance with him? No. Fundamentally, this would be changing the relationship that you have with people in that media."

Mr Edwards considers that it is not about sales, but rather reaching your target audience in the right way. "When time is precious, you have got to give people something that they actually want to know about. It has got to be relevant; it has got to be two-way communication; and it has got to be frequent," he says.

As far as driving direct sales from socially interacting with people, Mr Edwards says only time will tell. "We haven't put that into our forecast, but it is new. Someone has got to master it somewhere down the line and, in five years' time, the model will have been well documented. That is the beauty of it.

"This is a subject I'm very interested in and do a lot of reading on. And I certainly haven't come across any case studies about how people have significantly increased their revenue from it directly. But I am not saying that is impossible. Unless companies that have invested heavily can see some results, however, they will lose interest and find other distributions," he insists.

Mr Huxley adds: "I don't actually think asking whether social networking is a fad or whether it is here to stay is the right question. These things are here; these are tools that can help businesses to communicate. So the question is: when are you going to embrace those tools to build your networks and communicate?

"If you had asked me a year ago whether people were engaging with this, I would have said absolutely not. Now Linked In is constantly being mentioned: everyone is getting onto it, some are realising what it can do for them as a business, but many others are not quite sure what they are on there for. People are engaging with it, at least in so far as realising there is a community sitting out there that they want to be in touch with.

"My entire career has been about the personal nature of networking, getting to know people and all the things that benefit my business life. That is what Linked In is for me at the moment," he says.

Ms McAndrew explains that most of the followers Kwik Fit currently has on Twitter are journalists, but following other competitors is where the broker is finding benefit. She has thought of a possible drawback with this use of social networking, however. "It will be interesting when we look at this from the customer perspective; that is where we have been holding back. Once we open this up to a lot of customers following us, we will undoubtedly get more people commenting. That could be from a good perspective, giving us positive feedback, but there is also the potential for negative responses if, for example, a customer has an outstanding complaint.

"Obviously, we could also view that as a good opportunity — as a company, we always want to show we are there to actively resolve complaints. But, again, this would require resources and could take up a lot of time because you simply can't predict how many responses you are going to receive."

Another potential downside — one identified by Mr Clark — is the risk of allowing staff to use these networking sites in a way that might be in contrast to the company's brand and image. "Some comments that are 'tweeted' can be unwittingly defamatory and that is a risk we have to acknowledge and blend into our existing electronic communications policies. We have considered this and I believe we are ahead of the game there; people are aware of what they ought to be doing and saying online."

A slow burner

Returning to the issue of generating sales from social networking, Mr Macbeth — whose firm is on Twitter and Linked In, but not Facebook — simply states: "You can't think that by sending out a few tweets, you will get a policy; it doesn't work like that. It is a slow-burning process that you have got to work at and stick with."

But it is not all doom and gloom. What social media can do is reach out to a huge audience, which the average broker would not be able to do otherwise, unless it is a huge firm or one prepared to spend a lot of money. According to Mr Macbeth: "That is where the potential lies — in the number of people you can connect with and the number of people you can start to build some form of relationship with online.

"We use social media to enhance our brand and raise our profile and reputation. In my view, the key to it lies in becoming a trusted source of information and advice. If you are just going to go on and try and sell things, it isn't going to work. Insurance isn't sexy enough to do that. It should be about building yourself up as a credible source of information.

"In the current climate, particularly, brokers should be doing everything they can to try and raise their profile," he adds.

Mr Edwards concludes that, in terms of target advertising, social networking has so far failed to prove itself. "So much hype has been spoken about it over the years; companies have invested time and resources in trying to understand it and the result has been minimal as commercial entities," he asserts. "But I really believe that 2010 will be the year that social media either makes it or breaks it in terms of media spend and marketing distribution."

First published in Post Magazine 06 Apr 2010