Marketing is NOT optional. Marketing is an essential tool for the success of all businesses. Our agency covers all aspects of Marketing, so we’ve designed the following guide to highlight just some of the terms and techniques we use all day every day, to give a flavour for what makes a successful marketing strategy or campaign – from A-Z:



Knowing your audience is vital, but that is no longer enough. You need to understand it and get to know it on a deeper level. By using a targeted approach to marketing, we provide problem solving by having a clear focus and precise planning, allowing your decisions to be relevant and resources prioritised accordingly.



From brochures to promotional items and social media to exhibition stands, we understand your brand and follow its guidelines to clearly deliver your message, maintain credibility, and connect with prospects and existing clients on a variety of platforms and through different means.



Whether it’s for a product launch, an event or even a seasonal push, we produce your full campaign starting with the conception up until the performance analytics and lessons learned. Whatever platform(s) we use, we ensure that the message, order and imagery are optimised and tailored to your audience.



From copyright to visuals, good quality design catches the attention, holds it and has the ability to move customers in a specific direction. Design depends on the goal and target audience, yet should always be aligned with your brand’s messaging. We follow brand guidelines, ensuring that visibility is raised, conversions and engagement driven, and messaging reinforced.



Paired with loyalty as being one of the most important elements in marketing, clicks, interactions and impressions are just some of the tools we use to measure digital engagement. By providing the ingredients needed to build an audience, nurture relationships and establish expertise, you can engage consumers, inviting and encouraging them to participate in the brand experience.




In the age of fake news, reading the news and checking it twice has never been more relevant. By featuring false claims and misinformation, consumers get confused and lose trust, leading to a loss of business. This is why we make sure that anything we publish is checked and curated content and article sources are accurate, so that we can continue building your organisation’s good reputation.


Part 2 here